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Team Rules

  1. Academics are your top priority. You are a Student-Athlete.

  2. "Don't Embarrass the Program."

  3. Give “Only My Best” efforts.

  4. Attend all practices.

    2 Unexcused = Miss Meet.

    3 Unexcused=Off the Team.

  5. Wear team colors and uniforms at meets. At invites, you MUST wear Black (Jacket Fleece, or Sweatshirt), Black or White (warm up top), and Black (shorts and/or warm up pants). This MUST note Sage Creek Cross Country OR Sage Creek Track & Field OR Sage Creek in general (NO other sports).

  6. Be Humble. Let Your Performances do your talking.

  7. No Flag Football during the season.

  8. Come prepared to practice with proper clothing for weather conditions.

  9. Health and Nutrition (healthy, well balanced diet, eat breakfast everyday, drink plenty of water, and get enough sleep).

  10. Time standards: Girls Sub 25:00 5K. Boys Sub 22:00 5K. This is in order to race the invitationals. You may still participate and run in the 3 League Meets if you do not have that time standard.

  11. If you early you are on time. If you are on time you are late. If you are late we are gone. Practices START at the designated time, meaning you are warming up at that time.

  12. Follow all published SCHS and CIF Rules.

Tenants of Success

Have fun.

Be positive.

Be goal-oriented.

Be coachable.

Show team pride.

Commit to excellence.

Test the limits of the human heart.

Set PRs and peak at the end of the season (League, Sections, and the State Meet).

If you give, you will get.

Live a healthy lifestyle.